Our Services

We recognize that Autism and ADHD are not flaws or illnesses that need to be “fixed” or corrected. We recognize that neurodivergence can come with its own set of strengths that can be fostered.

Our practice specializes in working with autistics and people with ADHD to understand their own strengths and differences and to learn to navigate the world with their neurology in mind rather than performing social norms, with a focus on self-advocacy and problem solving skills. We are currently accepting clients ages 5-25 years and plan to expand our services as we grow.

Lego Club

Lego play designed to provide a positive/supportive environment where students can practice their communication and conflict resolution skills, improve problem-solving skills, and increase their self-esteem and well-being, all while having fun! 

Reach out to us today!

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We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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